
Investigation of the most important risk factors in home vegetable shredders – akalectric

For some years now, the use of home vegetable choppers has become popular among Iranian families, and therefore the number of manufacturers of this device has increased rapidly. Studies show that many of these manufacturers, in unfavorable standard conditions and without considering the necessary safety systems, have started to produce this product, and unfortunately there are shocking statistics of finger amputations and injuries to the hands of users of this device in the past few years.

Electric shredder Akaelectric

Along with the continuous pursuit of the National Standard Organization of Iran in order to produce the standard and safety of this device, in this article we intend to show the most important features of a standard vegetable shredder.

The most important feature of a standard vegetable shredder is the use of a bias cut-off switch in its drive system. Simply put, the electrical system operates in such a way that the engine starts and starts only if the green entrance and exit doors and valves are closed. This safety system must be designed in such a way that under no circumstances, even in the event of an error or mistake by the consumer, when the hand and fingers may come into contact with the blades of the device, the engine will start.

Unfortunately, a significant number of vegetable shredders on the market do not have any protection system in the door and door of the vegetable outlet.
Examination of the results of the vegetable shredder test sampled from the Iranian market until May of this year in Arvin Azma Az Sarmad laboratory, unfortunately, shows the worrying safety situation of this device.
A) 75% of the samples were tested without any protection system in the door section and the vegetable outlet valve.
B) 15% of the samples have a safety protection system from above, but regarding the possibility of access to the blades through the green outlet valve, they did not have the necessary arrangements or used unacceptable methods.
C) Only about 10% of the brands on the market have an acceptable design in this regard and pass the relevant tests. In the picture below, the vegetable shredder being tested lacks a protection system in the vegetable outlet valve